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The Puritans 清教徒

The Puritans were wealthy, well-educated gentlemen. They wanted to purify the Church of England and threatened with religious persecution, the Puritans leaders saw the New world as the a refuge provided by God for those He meant to save.

Comprehensive schools

Comprehensives schools take pupils without reference to ability or aptitude and provide a wide-ranging secondary education for all or most of the children in a district.

Indentured servants

——indenture servants refer to some immigrants who has to work for a fixed term for their masters to repay the cross-atlantic fare and debts.


War Powers Act

——The War Powers Act in 1973 was that the president had to inform Congress whenever he committed American troops overseas. After 60 days , the use of military power had to win specific congressional approval.


1.Why is Alfred known as “the father of the British navy”?

He founded a strong fleet and is known as “The father of the British navy”。

2.Which political party does Margaret Thatcher lead?

The election of 1979 returned the Conservative Party to power and Margaret Thatcher

3.What is IRA stand for?

The full name for IRA is Irish Republican Army.

4.Which Act outlawed discrimination not only in public housing,but also in employment on the basis of race,colour,religion,sex,or national orgin.

The civil rights act outlawed discrimination not only in public housing,but also in employment on the basis of race,colour,religion,sex,or national orgin.


5. Why is New Zealand the first country to get the new day?

Because New Zealand is just west of the International Date Line, it is the first country to get the new day.

6.What is Canada made up of?

Geographical regions: ten provinces and two territories.

本文标签:广东自考 公共课 2006年4月自考《英语国家概况》名解和简答



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