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I.Fill in the blanks in the following sentences:(20%)

1/ “汉语具有意美、________、________三大优点。”(鲁迅《汉文学史纲要》第一篇《自文学至文章》,然而,英语与汉语相比,前者为拼音文字,而后者为表意文字。英语所具有的“音美”显然有别于汉语。汉语一个字代表一个音节,而汉语音节结构形式的一个突出的审美特征是双声叠韵。

2/ “译笔出原著头地”,或曰青出于蓝的现象除归结为译者“驱使本国文字”的“功夫”之外,另有一点似不可忽视,即汉语本身是“智慧的语言”、“________”(鲁道夫·弗莱齐语)。汉语的种种________(诸如四字结构、意合parataxis能力、形式齐整、音律跃耳、辞格丰富、意境性强等等)如漫漫译途上的一盏指路明灯,又如茫茫译林中的奔泉与鸟鸣,令译者走出“柳暗”,令译者呈现“光明”。

3/ 联想(association)的理论与实践同样适用于英汉翻译。放眼译苑,不少译者未动译笔,已败于“理解”门槛之外,其理解或捉襟见拙,或张冠李戴,或自相矛盾;另一些译者虽理解无误,却译笔呆滞枯暗,表达或________,或不问原文,或淡而无味,缘由之一恐怕盖与“联想”有涉。________,为有源头活水来。我门把玩译林佳句时,常发出这样的慨叹:文思如涌,联想驰骋,方能译笔有神。

4/ 从语源(Etymology)观察,英汉相距甚远。虽然英汉同属屈折变化(inflections) 较少的分析性语言(analytical language),也不属综合型语言(synthetic language),但是,英语与汉语毕竟各自隶属不同语系,前者属________(Indo-European language),后者属汉藏语系(________)。

5/ 词典之类的参考书对译者来说都________。只有________,包括最广泛的语言–文化背景,才能说明含义。

----(英)乔治• 斯坦纳

6/ 此种观点,甚至“殃及”译界:科技翻译讲抽象思维,而文学翻译才须讲形象思维。实际情况则是:任何一类翻译,都需要________。缺乏形象思维的翻译,其译文或舛误叠现,或生硬呆板,或形容枯槁,或________。

7/ 灵感思维并不缥缈,更不遥远!君不见,那么令人失声叫绝的译文,就或明或暗地闪现灵感思维的光泽。译者的灵感思维从天而降,他会走笔如神,左右逢源,心中荡漾________;而诵读这样的译文,则完全可能令读者陶醉字里,________!潜心对原文和译文作对照阅读时,你会感受心灵的震撼,“嚯”地起身,大呼“天才译文!”

8/ 据笔者陋见,经受文化冲击,首先指置身于异族文化或生活方式的人,其次,大概就数“________”了。因为,语言毕竟或多或少是一种社会和文化的载体。而翻译则是一种典型的________。

9/ 汉语自有汉语之美。汉语不注重对客观现实作符合逻辑的形式的描摹,不执著于形式结构的规范。汉语是一种时现“________”(femininity)的语言。汉语的魅力系于她的流散和疏放,系于她的________。

10/ 从翻译美学审视,“雅”,即“________”,即原文或译文的________。

II.Passage Translation:(30%)

1/ The true artist lets himself go. He is natural. He swims easily in the stream of his own temperament. He listens to himself. He respects himself.

He comes into the light of every-day like a great leviathan of the deep, breaking the smooth surface of accepted things, gay, serious, sportive. His appetite for life is enormous. He enters eagerly into the life of man, all men. He becomes all men in himself.

2/ Also, there are many ways of opening doors. There is the cheery push of elbow with which the waiter shoves open the kitchen door when he bears in your tray of supper. There is the suspicious and tentative withdrawal of a door before the unhappy book agent or peddler. There is the genteel and carefully modulated recession with which footmen swing wide the oaken barriers of the great. There is the sympathetic and awful silence of the dentist’s maid who opens the door into the operating room and, without speaking, implies that the doctor is ready for you. There is the brisk cataclysmic opening of a door when the nurse comes in, very early in the morning — “It’s a boy!”

III.Article Translation:(50%)

1/ Over Time, People 'Catch Mood' of Friends, Lovers / By Dana Frisch

2/ Six months later, the 38 couples that were still together repeated the experiment. The couples maintained distinct personalities, but they were more closely attuned emotionally than they had been at the start of the study, the researchers found.

3/ Although couples' emotions converged over time, similar emotions might have drawn them together in the first place. Couples that stayed together during the study were more emotionally similar than couples that broke up, the researchers point out.

4/ Anderson's team also found that the partner who had less power in the relationship did most of the changing in terms of emotions.

5/ In other experiments, which involved college students who lived together in dormitories, the researchers found that roommates tended to have more similar emotional responses toward the end of the school year. The researchers gauged emotion by having students watch film clips that tend to elicit laughs or tears.

6/ Roommates whose emotions converged the most during the school year tended to become closer friends than roommates whose emotions did not become as similar, according to the report.

7/ The study also found that the roommate who had a lower social status in the dormitory tended to change more than popular roommates.

8/ Anderson said these results show that 'people's emotional responses to events are not completely fixed and rigid.'

9/ According to the Illinois researcher, emotional similarity could be helpful in assembling the most productive corporate team, and might be an important consideration when searching for love or friendships.

1/ Type A People May Have Lower Quality of Life: Study / By Charnicia E. Huggins

2/ He and Kashfian found that people who reported the highest levels of anger, cynicism, and hostility, in particular, in their response to the hypothetical scenarios also perceived their quality of life as much lower than their peers.

3/ 'In other words, the more hostility somebody indicated on the hostility questionnaires the lower their quality of life,' Keith said.

4/ The study participants' quality of life was rated according to their responses to a questionnaire that measured their self-reported satisfaction; competence and productivity; personal empowerment and independence; and social belonging and community integration.

5/ Despite the findings, the researchers note that they did not prove that the individual's type A behavior was responsible for a reduction in quality of life. They did not study whether type A behavior results in a reduced quality of life or vice versa.

6/ 'It's also conceivable that something else makes people hostile and reduces their quality of life,' Keith said.

7/ Various researchers have suggested that type A behavior can be changed, Keith and Kashfian write in a statement, 'and the possibility exists that such change might have implications for quality of life.'

8/ It may not be straightforward to change type A behavior, but it is 'doable,' Keith said. If the type A personality is thought of in terms of its behavioral characteristics rather than something internal, behavior modification and health management techniques can change that behavior in much the same way as a person changes their smoking behavior, the researcher explained.

本文标签:广东自考 文学类 2020年广东自考《英语翻译》试题及答案



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